

Wednesday 30 July | Plog

Hello glitterjunkies!

On wednesday the thirtieth of july I woke up and figured I would do something completely different with my day. I decided to PLOG (photo log). This means that I took pictures through the entire day, so that I can show you what I do in a day.

I hope you enjoy! 

My day started early. At freaking 5 AM (!) This because I had to work that day. As a job during my vacation I'm cleaning in this huge factory. 

After properly waking up, it was time for my eyedrops! The one on the left is for my allergies and the other one is for my dry eyes. Fun times!

I then put all of this on my face! 

Fragrance of the day, also know as fragrance of every day ;) 

Time for breakfast!

And after that it was time to leave for work.

All decked out, ready to clean some things!

Seriously the most unflattering shirt ever. 

This went on for a couple of hours...

Pretty views are pretty.

Back home! Time to hop in the shower and start my 'real' day.

Here, have a look at my face without makeup. 

Now, that's better ;)

Time to go to my sister and practice for my driving test! (Spoiler alert: I PASSED!)

After all that practicing, w hap to shop a little. So here's a little shoplog from what I bought. Can we also talk about how I got all that stuff for less than 20 euros? SCOOOORE!

Back home it is time to edit...

...And get distracted by other youtube videos.

This is my 'editing-is-not-going-the-way-I-want' face. I know, it's beautiful!

After all that, it was time to remove the makeup and prepare for bed.

Clean faced!

Aight, at 10 PM I really had to go to sleep. Because the day after that was all about the cleaning (again!)

I hope you enjoyed this post! If you did please let me know, so I can maybe do more of these!

Love always


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