

TuesdaysTip | Is your necklace too short?

Hello Glitterjunkies!

It's time for me to share another tip with you!
This time it's all about jewellery!

Ever had a necklace that you really liked, but it just was too short? 
I found the solution!

It's all about this little thing!
I don't really know what the specific name is for this little guy, but it has helped so many times that I had to write about it.

I discovered it at a local store where my father bought me this necklace. It is absolutely gorgeous, but when I first put it on, it was just too short. I was gutted because I really liked it and the lady in the store noticed it.So she came up with this little thing that made this necklace the perfect lenght.
(as you can see in the picture above)

This is how the necklace looks without the extra piece.

This is with the piece added to the necklace.

As you can see it is really easy to add to a necklace. I bought it for this necklace specifically, but I've used it on so many other necklaces as well, it is insane!

So if you ever see a necklace, or have a necklace, that is too short for you just ask the lady in the shop if they have something like this extra piece!
Problem solved! :D

Love always


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