

Rotterdam | A day in pictures

Hello Glitterjunkies!

Last friday I hopped in the car with my sister and brother-in-law to make the exciting drive to a different country. We went to Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Which is a 2 hour drive. My main purpose was a school project, but I had such a wonderful day, I wanted to share some pictures with you all!

For lunch, we had Subway. Which I had actually never tried before! But I really liked it! This is the Subway Melt by the way, if you were wondering.

I really want a dog like this! LOOK HOW CUTE!! 

Grapefruit juice, macaroons and a brownie! Perfect little snack!

I also did some shopping, which I'll show you in another post!
I hope you enjoyed these pictures of Rotterdam! I had a great time and will definitely be going back for a full on shopping spree! ;D

Love always


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