

What is on my bedside table?

Hello Glitterjunkies!

I watch a lot of youtube videos and some of my favourite are the more inspirational, personal ones. So today I thought I'd do one  in a blogpost!

It's the 'what is on my bedside table' tag-type video that I'm going to elaborate in this post.
I hope you like it and maybe find some inspiration to change up your bedside table!

 This is what my bedside table looks like. (sorry for it being blurry, it is located in the darkest corner of my room) 
My bedside table is from a Belgium store called 'WEBA'. It is kind of the same as an 'IKEA'. So I'm pretty sure you could find something alike there.

First of all, I have some makeup wipes. These are very cheap, but very good. At €0.90 for a packet you wouldn't expect too much but they remove makeup like a charm. Whenever I'm being lazy or it's been a late night I can still quickly remove my makeup, when I'm already in bed, with these and kinda get rid of that guilty feeling. It obviously isn't a complete replacement to a full cleanse, so I wouldn't recommend doing this every night. 

There is also a little mirror on my bedside table. (that looks kinda gross in this picture.. WOOPS) It's just easy to see what I'm doing when I use the wipes or some other stuff that is right next to my bed.

I also have some handsanitizer with aloe vera and vitamin E. I just keep this in my room so I can remove bacteria from my hands before I touch my freshly washed clothes. Or to clean my hands when I've used some body butter or something like that.

The next thing I keep close is a refreshing eyeroller. This thing is amazing. When I wake up in the morning it just gets rid of my puffy eyes and completely wakes me up. I love it! This one is from the 'my skin' range by Essence. 

Next up is a sample size of a Vichy moisturizer. It doesn't really matter which moisturizer I have on my bedside table, but I do want one. Just so I can hydrate my dry skin when I'm having one of those late nights.

This is also the place where I keep my eye cream. My room is never very hot, so it's the perfect place to keep it. I use one by a Dutch/Belgian store called 'Kruidvat'. It has extra vitamin E and I really like it. It's not too heavy and I feel like it does really work.

I also have to have my Lemony Flutter from Lush close. For those very annoying dry spots that just won't go away.
(read my review on this here)

I also need to have a body butter close at hand. I have fairly dry skin, but I do tend to forget using body butter or lotion. So this is perfect to have close so I can actually see it when I am doing my nightly routine. I've noticed that this way, I rarely forget to use it anymore.

An absolute musthave is a lipbalm. I put on lipbalm every night, so it can work into my lips overnight. This is one of my current favourites. It is called 'snow jam' by Essence. I think this was a limited edition during winter. But there are a lot of lipbalm out there that are really amazing, so I'm sure you could find one that works perfectly well for you.

I keep some rose water on my bedside table at all times. I love the smell, so it spray it on my pillows as well as on my face. This one I bought in Bulgaria a few years ago. 

Lastly I have a light. This one is a 'discolight' and I love it. I don't use it too often but when I use it, it's like a little party in my room! 

Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you like to keep close to your bed.


I am in no way affiliated with any of the products mentioned in this blogpost. Nor did any brands sponsor me. This is purely my own opinion. All photos are mine, unless stated otherwise.

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